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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

When Push Comes To Shove

We all blow up once in awhile or have an-almost-blew-up-moment, none of those situations are good but its always unhealthy to have stuff piled up inside until one day the lid just pops. There are many things in life that can bring us to this point of frustration i.e. family, work, friends, a spouse, your child (sign), nosey neighbours, traffic jam, uncouth drivers, poor customer service am sure you get the point.

Dreams that have yet to be accomplished is another form of frustration, you keep wondering what went wrong, why so and so has moved on up while you are still in the same old position. All types of problem solving solutions cross your mind, but frustrations rock you to a point where you really cannot see straight. Worry sets in and any form of reason flies out the window, not a very pleasant place to be in, your heart pulsates, you feel like your brain wants to blow up into a million pieces while your mouth suddenly acquires this urge to just scream.

Oh well, maybe it's just me who has had those moments. The people who say 'take very many slow deep breaths and just relax' aren't crazy, it helps. But there comes a time when laying it at the feet of Jesus works even better than taking a chill pill. Because as much as we all think we maintain our existence here on earth, there is this much that we can do, a lot is always out of our control. Waiting on the Lord is one of the hardest things to do but when you put your situation on one hand and the solutions 'you' think you have on the other hand, you realise that there is not much you can really do but wait.

So whether it's your job, which you wish you could just wake up and be out of or a child you've smacked (for disciplinary purposes only) until there's no more smack in you or that matatu driver who keeps bullying you off your line or that secretary whose overly grouchy but you need their services or that spouse whom you've forgiven so many times till you can't do no more or that boss who just rubs you the wrong way or that deal that just never seems to come through or that dream/plan/vision that is taking longer than usual to materialise or many many many more situations of great frustration, whatever the case MAINTAIN HOPE!

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