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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Aren't they the cutest things

The other day we visited my parents ie our parents, and found my mum had brought home a very lovely cat, am not a fan of cats or pets, but when they are small aren't they the cutest things. I often fantasise about a drug that these small, lovely creatures can be injected and they just remain small, at which point I wouldn't mind having my own small cheetah or small jaguar or small lion, uh a cub don't know the others without googling. But life doesn't bend itself for us, does it?!

The lovely playful and very cute Kanini (translated to small)
So as I watched, played and stroked Kanini, (that's her name, given am sure by my sister), it saddened me that she'll grow up one day and be a handful. It's good to grow up but grown-ups are so complicated, trust me am one. Speaking of which, when we get kids I believe it's the opposite, okay let me think and write this as I mean. Kids (many of them, as per my observation) are really feisty, they make you stay up all night crying and it's never a good couple of months, I believe from month 6 to year 11/2, they are just cute, then comes terrible two's (oh am not looking forward to this year, God help). You graciously pass this stage and enjoy bliss then comes teenage hood (no comment).

There was this lady in a quiz competition program, who was saying that if she won the money, highest is like millions of pounds, she'd buy a cat breed worth 100,000 pounds (umh, that's what, Kshs 13.3 M as of today), why you ask, coz it's a breed of some wild cats, thus it shall never grow big and overly wild but be a domesticated pet (being mildly wild is inevitable). Well, at this rate my fantasy seems very tempting, so if you are a chemical genius out there, call me we deliberate about this drug (legal)!

It's illegal to sale or transport the big cats so it makes perfect sense to me, to breed it and then own the 'illegitimate breed of a big cat', does God approve of this, well not sure, but am guessing Adam would be annoyed, given that he named the animals we all see now, ha! But seriously, it baffles me how these huge creatures start off as such tiny little sights of pleasure then grow into these huge scary don't-mess-with-me creatures. Probably that's a reflection of who we are as human beings. We are born small, helpless, dependant, foolish (mainly blank), clueless about who or what we are (teenage hood) and then somewhere along the way we forget how much potential and greatness we can exhibit.


God created us to be greater and more powerful than our minds could ever perceive, let's stand and be counted

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