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Monday, July 30, 2012

How to Navigate Transitions SHARED

its been a knowledge filled weekend and just came across this email and thought I would share. Be inspired!

How to Navigate Transitions
A time comes when a teacup storm brews in your soul. You feel unsettled. You want a change. Then the little storm builds up into a tsunami of the soul. The environment changes, the terrain turns from difficult to impossible to scale. You are in a storm. The boat rocks. You know you must walk on water. To do so you must step out of the boat into the boiterous sea.
Stormy WeatherSuch is the storm that broods in many a soul. In speaking to many who seek my counsel I have identified five steps that could help you sail through those stormy seasons. Generally, most transitions will take you through the following five stages.

a) Dissatisfaction is the first one. This is the groaning stage when we ask, why me, or why is this happening to me. You wonder what you are doing wrong. You search your heart. If it is a storm of change, you might find nothing wrong. Read and understand the times. Do not be too hard on yourself. Focus on what is right.
b) Discussion is the second one. This is the grappling stage when you engage your feelings in dialogue. You unpack your emotions, think of the way out, and explore options. You engage close associates in dialogue. Glean as much information as possible at this stage. The information will help you to clear the path because the next stage calls for a decision.
c) Decision is the third one. This is the stage of gripping the rescue rope. You decide to zero on some of our options. Some peace floods your soul. You can finally feel yourself again. Beginning the pursuit of your decisions is elating at first. With time mixed feeling set in. Do not doubt your decision. Put some work to your faith. Get yourself ready for stage four. You need determination to manage your decisions daily.
d) Determination is the fourth one. This the grinding stage. Reality dawns. You are no longer in the fantasy world but the real one. Bills mount, emotions overload once more, and life continues to happen. Bouts of doubt hit you once more. Did I make the right decision? You must not give up. If you overcome the doubts and the temptation to take of the easier option of quitting, you will stand tall for the next stage.
e) Destiny is the fifth one. This is the greatness stage. You get a sense of accomplishment. You are at your best. You have found your spot. You can conquer anything. It is like the meeting with destiny. You finally sense meaning in what you do. Refining not revising is what you do to the activities you engage at this stage. Whenever we see successful people, we want fast track to this stage. It takes a process to get there.
Life is a series of many beginnings. Before long, there will be another beckon to reach higher. Another storm will brew. It may not necessarily be easier to start the cycle again. However, with the experience under your belt, you know that no significant stories will go into history if you remain in your comfort zone.
Are you hesitant to make the change? You might find the following statement as liberating as I did: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You are on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who’ll decide where to go...” Just do it!
What storm is brewing in your soul? Ignoring it does not quiet it. Think of what you would do knowing that will be the beginning of a cycle of better life. Handled well the storms will become successive cycles of greatness.
How do you deal with your storms that beckon you to change? How do you step out of the boat into the waters? Please post your comments here.

Anthony T. Gitonga
leadership Author Speaker, & Coach
Finding Purpose, Achieving Greatness

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