Mr. Obama invoked his own faith when he revealed on Wednesday — a day after North Carolina
voters approved an amendment to ban same-sex marriages, partnerships
and civil unions — that he supports same-sex marriage. He said that he
and the first lady “are both practicing Christians,” and that
“obviously” his position “may be considered to put us at odds with the
views of others.”
“But, you know, when we think about our faith, the thing at root that
we think about is not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf,
but it’s also the golden rule, you know? Treat others the way you would
want to be treated.”
Since President Obama publicly stated that gays have the right to marry, alot has been said not forgetting the fact that he got quite alot of money for his campaigns after that statement. Personally am just tired of people using scripture to justify every little thing in this world, 'treat others as you would have them treat you', 'don't judge people, lest you be judged' urgh i mean honestly what does that have to do with anything! When your kid does something wrong do you go ahead and say, 'treat others as you would have them treat you', no, you install punishment.
But even then, there are countries giving kids the right to exercise 'their' rights, which baffles me because what rights does a kid living/eating in your house as you buy their clothes, take them to school and house them have a right to! In other news, some 2 Kenyan representatives signed a document that sponsors a 7 rule declaration that states that kids as young as 10 years old have the right to their sexual privacy! This document purports that 'us Kenyans' agreed to this fact, now which Kenyan parent in their right mind can agree to this nonsense! Apparently we are the only country in the whole of Africa to sponsor such a rediculous document.
When you know that something is wrong but choose to become politically correct then you shall be accountable! Agreeing to these immoral moves by people in this world who have agendas to destroy our society is going to be very consequential. Say no to homosexuality as a sin, not the people who are bound by stuff they don't even know, and to immoral organizations bringing decay to the biblical family principles, STAND UP for what is right and God shall be for us all.
I fear so much for the kids being brought up in a world that has killed every form of morality for selfish satisfactions. How does a kid explain that they have two male or female parents? How does that gay parent explain reproduction to this kid?, coz hey two males or females can't reproduce, duh!. How does a parent not have the right to know about their 10yr olds sexual activities? or worse, not have the right to this information from any medical worker? What are we doing to our world in the name of political correctness?!
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