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Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Going for it!

What do you do when faced with the ultimate decision? the ultimate choice? the ultimate change? the change of all changes? When you know its time to move from your comfort zone and into the land of the unknown. Well these are the questions plaguing me and I sure wish they would go plague someone else because its very uncomfortable and truly exhausting. But there comes a time when move ahead is all and the only option you got. As Dr Wale said, 'You cannot keep input constant and expect a different output'.

I attended this lovely entrepreneurial women's ministry seminar at our church and got really enlightened and will share the points that came across for me;

-You passionately progress in your business when you know you are good and you know why you are good
-You need to have a more active imagination than memory, otherwise your mind is always going to be stuck in the past.
-You will stagnate when you don't have a vision that is more compelling than your comfort zone
-Thinking out of the box does not just mean thinking different but it means thinking out of the logic
-You establish motive by asking why
-The reality in your head must be way ahead of the reality in your life. This can also be described as innovation
-The person who does not read has no advantage over the person who cannot read
-Measure your performance in context of your capabilities. Potential is making maximum use of your capabilities. Capabilities are drawn from relationships, skills, knowledge, exposure
-Reward outcome not effort
-When your thinking of a business venture what attributes of yours can be leveraged to highest return?
- Find out what is holding you back, whats your problem, what would be the source and how do you solve it
-List the things you can do naturally verses your acquired skills
- Then go a step further and list the things you can do within your abilities.
- List also the abilities you can maximise on without needing a start-up capital
-Never put money before a vision
-Seek a mentor
-Establish what the differentiating factor is in your business as compared to the others

Well it was a very very educative and challenging Saturday and Dr. Wale impacted the above and much more knowledge into our lives. So in that period of time, all I have had to do is think and think and think some more. Watched someone who was saying that women think a lot while men can have those blank moments of nothingness and be just fine. We don't get that but we were created differently as God foresaw.
As you read the above and deliberate your most welcome to attend a coffee talk with Dr wale on Thursday, 9th at TinTin Restaraunt from 6pm-8pm.
Below are some other quotes I came across and had to share in context with this article and my many many many thoughts, enjoy!
Quotes by Shika Adabu Mwajuma
-Sadly, very few people ever live to become the success story they dream about. And there’s one simple reason why: They never take action!

-The acquisition of knowledge doesn’t mean you’re growing. Growing happens when what you know changes how you live. So many people live in a complete daze. Actually, they don’t ‘live.’ They simply ‘get by’ because they never take the necessary action to make things happen – to seek their dreams. It doesn’t matter if you have a genius IQ and a PhD in Quantum Physics, you can’t change anything or make any sort of real-world progress without taking action. There’s a huge difference between knowing how to do something and actually doing it. Knowledge and intelligence are both useless without action. It’s as simple as that.

Success hinges on the simple act of making a decision to live – to absorb yourself in the process of going after your dreams and goals. So make that decision. And take action.
 -The number one thing I persistently see holding smart people back is their own reluctance to accept an opportunity simply because they don’t think they’re ready. In other words, they feel uncomfortable and believe they require additional knowledge, skill, experience, etc. before they can aptly partake in the opportunity. Sadly, this is the kind of thinking that stifles personal growth and success
The truth is nobody ever feels 100% ready when an opportunity arises. Because most great opportunities in life force us to grow emotionally and intellectually. They force us to stretch ourselves and our comfort zones, which means we won’t feel totally comfortable at first. And when we don’t feel comfortable, we don’t feel ready.

Significant moments of opportunity for personal growth and success will come and go throughout your lifetime. If you are looking to make positive changes and new breakthroughs in your life, you will need to embrace these moments of opportunity even though you will never feel 100% ready for them.

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